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Accepted Applicants

Welcome home!

International House is thrilled that you have decided to join the exciting International House community during your time in New York! We hope that all of our admitted applicants are eager to meet fellow resident members from all over the world and become active in our community.

This page details the next steps for you to take after receiving your acceptance letter and other important information to know before your arrival to the House.

After Acceptance

Upon acceptance to International House, you will have 10 days to submit your $1,600 room reservation deposit and secure your spot at the House. If payment is not completed within 10 days of receiving your notice of acceptance, your room will be forfeited and it is possible we will not have another room for you to stay in.

Once your $1,600 deposit has been submitted, you have 10 days to cancel your stay without penalty should any issues arise.

Once payment has been made, accepted applicants must confirm their arrival date, sign the Resident Membership Agreement (RMA), and select which dining plan they would like to enroll in via the application portal.

Confirming Arrival & Departure Dates

I-House will use the arrival date the applicant denoted in their application when booking a room for an accepted applicant. In the acceptance email, each admitted applicant will be asked to confirm their arrival date, which can be different from the original date supplied in the application. Once the date has been confirmed and the room reservation deposit paid by the incoming resident, the Admissions Office will reserve their booking. 

Should an incoming resident need to change their confirmed arrival date, they must email the Admissions Office at least 4 weeks prior to their expected arrival, and changes cannot be more than 14 days before or after the confirmed arrival date. Changes can be made once and are subject to approval by the Admissions Office.

Unless otherwise denoted in an application, or unless eligibility only extends through the fall, check-out dates are tentatively set for the last day of the Academic Year (mid-May). If a resident intends on continuing their stay after the departure date listed in their confirmation email, they will be able to apply for an extension or renewal later in the Academic Year.

If a resident plans to leave earlier than the date listed, the resident will be expected to submit an Early Departure Request via the application portal 30 days in advance of their new departure date as the Early Departure Policy applies.

What to Bring

What NOT to Bring

South rooms include a twin XL bed, desk, chair, dresser, bookcase, lamp, linens, blanket, pillow and towel.
North rooms
come furnished with a Twin XL or full size bed, desk, chair, dresser, bookcase, lamp, linens, blanket, pillow and towel, in addition to a dining table and chairs, stove/oven and refrigerator.

  • Kitchen items including dishes, silverware, pots & pans, cooking utensils, etc.
  • Bathroom rug
  • Area rug for your room
  • Broom/Mop and other cleaning supplies
  • Hair dryer
  • Extra bedding & towels
  • Hangers
  • Surge protector
  • Voltage converter
  • Personal toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.)
  • Decorative items to personalize your room
  • Mini refrigerator 
  • Fan or air conditioner
      Although I-House rooms are not air conditioned, residents are permitted to buy their own air conditioners (5000-7000 BTUs). The units must be approved and installed and removed by I-House Facilities staff (additional fees apply). Air conditioners are available to rent from I-House Facilities.
    You may purchase many of these items locally. We recommend you prioritize your needs to avoid bringing unnecessary items, as space in your room will quickly fill up!

    Prohibited items such as:

    • Pets of any kind
    • Smoke- or vapor- producing devices
    • Flammable items (heaters, candles, incense, halogen lamps)
    • Furniture of any kind not already provided by I-House
    • Dangerous items such as weapons or explosives
    • Mattress (exceptions granted by Facilities Management for documented medical reasons with at least 5 days prior notice)
    You may also choose to not bring the following items, which can be borrowed at I-House:
    • Vacuum cleaner
    • Clothing irons (for use in the laundry room)
    Residents at an Ice Cream Social
    Ice Cream Social, 2019.

    Arrival Procedures

    1. Arrive at your scheduled time.

    2. Present a photo ID to verify your identity.

    3. Retrieve a luggage cart, place your belongings on it and leave it in the care of the Desk Attendant.

    4. Visit Bursar Services on the 1st floor (Open Monday – Friday, 9am to 7pm.)

      • Sign Resident Membership Agreement if you have not done so via the portal already.

      • Make payment of your full semester charges: your room fees, security deposit, dining fees, and any other applicable additional fees.

      • Receive your I-House ID card and key(s).

    5. Retrieve your belongings from the Desk Attendant and go to your room.

    6. Complete the Room Inventory Sheet (found on the desk in your room) and submit it to the Facilities Department located on the A floor near the Claremont reception desk.

      If you arrive when Bursar Services is closed (Saturday, Sunday, holidays, or after business hours) you will receive a temporary ID and key valid for 3 business days.  You must visit Bursar Services within 3 business days to complete the steps above. After 3 business days your temporary key will expire. There are no exceptions to this rule.


      Once each resident arrives at the House, they will be required to submit the following to complete registration:

      • Verification of eligibility showing that they are indeed a full-time student, intern, trainee, or visiting scholar

      • Verification of medical insurance coverage

      • Confirmation of emergency contacts

      • A signed Resident Membership Agreement for the upcoming term(s).

      The Admissions Office will communicate with all residents via email regarding when residents must complete the registration process.

      Important Policies

      As a Resident at I-House, you are not a tenant and International House is not a landlord. You are a member of a community devoted to a mission. Community life is different than living independently—each Resident Member has duties and responsibilities to others in the community. Understanding and respect for community norms and practices, along with some degree of compromise in the face of individual desires, is required.


      My arrival date has changed since I was admitted. Can I change it?

      January 31, 2024

      I-House will begin charging room fees beginning on the check in date you submitted in your application. You are not allowed to change this arrival date unless it is permitted. This request must be done in writing to the Admissions Office at least 4 weeks prior to arrival to be considered. Changes are subject to approval by the Admissions Office and are not guaranteed.

      Upon admission, I-House will hold a room beginning as close to the date submitted in the application. When an applicant is admitted and submits their reservation deposit, they will be able to provide us with an updated, exact arrival date, and I-House will reserve their room beginning on that date. Should an admitted applicant's plans change and they need to request an adjustment, that request must be submitted in writing to and can be no less than 30 days prior to their current expected arrival date. Any requests to arrive earlier are subject to availability. Requests to arrive later may not be more than 14 days from the expected arrival date confirmed upon admission.

      My departure date has changed since I was admitted. Can I change it?

      January 31, 2024

      Check-out dates are tentatively set for the last day of the Academic Year. If you plan to stay after the date listed, you will be able to apply to do so later in the Academic Year; if you plan to leave earlier than the date listed, please submit an early departure request via the application portal as soon as possible as the Early Departure Policy applies.

      How long are the I-House terms? 

      January 31, 2024

      The Summer Term begins May 16, 2024 and ends August 16, 2024. For incoming summer residents, we will try to accommodate arrivals before May 13th, however we are not obligated to do so. If summer residents wish to stay beyond August 16, 2024, they may do so by requesting an Extension via the application portal. Requests to extend made in writing or in-person will not be processed.

      The Academic Year begins September 1, 2024, and ends on May 19, 2025.

      What happens if I have to cancel my reservation? 

      January 31, 2024

      You may cancel your booking prior to arrival on the application portal using the Cancel My Application/Early Departure link under the menu tab. If you notify us prior to your cancel by date written in your admittance email, you will receive a full refund of the room reservation payment. We will not process cancellations until the form on the application portal has been submitted. There will be no exceptions.

      When will I know my room number? 

      January 31, 2024

      We cannot confirm the exact room number before your arrival as room assignments are subject to change. We do guarantee the room type indicated in the acceptance letter.

      How do you decide what room I get? 

      January 31, 2024

      We make every effort to accommodate your room preferences indicated on your application based on availability on your arrival date and the ranking you provided on your application. You will receive an e-mail confirmation within one week of receipt of the $600 Room Reservation Payment and your arrival date.

      I was admitted for a room that was not my first choice. Why? Can I request a different room before checking in?

      January 31, 2024

      I-House receives many applications from applicants on many different schedules. If you were assigned a room that was not your first choice, it is likely because we do not have any of those room types available for the duration of your arrival and departure dates.

      We do not accept room change requests prior to arrival; however, upon check-in, you may go to the Admissions Office and submit a room change request form. Room changes requested this way are reviewed in the order they are received, and only when a room becomes available due to resident departure will we be able to provide a room change. Residents can also swap rooms with other residents, eliminating the need to wait for a current resident to vacate their room.

      Please note that room changes are never permitted during the summer term.

      Are the rooms at I-House furnished? Do I-House North rooms come furnished with kitchen utensils, pots, pans, etc?

      January 31, 2024

      South rooms are furnished to include a bed, desk, chair, dresser, bookcase, lamp, linens, blanket, pillow and towel.  North building apartment style rooms and suites come furnished with bed, desk, chair, dresser, bookcase, lamp, linens, blanket, pillow, towel, a dining table and chairs, stove/oven and refrigerator. NO ADDITIONAL OUTSIDE FURNITURE MAY BE BROUGHT INTO I-HOUSE.

      I-House North rooms are not furnished with kitchen utensils, pots, or pans. Each resident must supply their own kitchen with cooking materials.

      Do I need to be vaccinated against Covid-19?

      January 31, 2024

      As of June 2023, all residents are encouraged to be vaccinated against COVID-19, but it is no longer required for admission.

      Are pets allowed? Service or Support Animals?

      January 31, 2024

      Pets are not permitted at International House.

      For details on service or support animals at I-House, please view our Disability Accommodations Policy.

      Is smoking permitted? 

      January 31, 2024

      International House is a 100% smoke-free facility. Please view our No Smoking Policy for more information.

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